
Pretalx now available in the Greek language

The FOSSCOMM 2018 organizers team proudly announces the translation of the “pretalx” conference planning software to the Greek language.

As a conference planning tool, “pretalx” is focused on providing the best experience for organizers, speakers, reviewers, and attendees alike. It handles the submission process with a configurable Call for Participation, the reviewing and selection of submissions, as well as scheduling and release handling. After the event, “pretalx” allows speakers to receive feedback, upload their slides, and organizers to embed recordings.

For the needs of FOSSCOMM 2018, the organizers team has chosen “pretalx” and since FOSSCOMM addresses mostly a Greek audience, the team has collaboratively worked on its translation, which you can see working live on our CFP page.

The translation file (.po) is available on gitlab, at